There is Power in Numbers

There is power in numbers and because of your generosity, we are able to show up for our community throughout the year and create lasting change. Thanks to you, our staff can interact with families, build deeper relationships, and enroll clients in programs that promote housing stability. Our volunteers can have more opportunities to dedicate their time and our partners can engage with us and our clients in more meaningful ways.

Emilia was referred to Nazareth Housing by a local council member for help with rental arrears and her prior debt with NYCHA. Her Nazareth Housing case manager helped her apply to services such as SNAP, a fair hearing, Medicaid, and more – setting her up on a path for financial success. Emilia is now a regular client at Louise’s Pantry and has attended our nutrition workshops.

Children in our Thorpe Family Residence entered their imaginative worlds and engaged in playful thinking thanks to one of our volunteers Ashley (a Girl Scout Leader) who worked with them on arts and crafts projects. Moments like this provide an outlet for the children to express their feelings, ideas, and thoughts in a creative way, as well as learn new skills.

Your Support Matters
With the holidays around the corner, it’s more important than ever for us to address the immediate needs of the New Yorkers we serve through our programs, including our weekly food pantries at Louise’s Pantry, our Volunteer Income Tax Assistant prep, our community gathering events, and more. These low threshold entry points act as both a critical safety net and gateway to the diverse array of homelessness prevention services at Nazareth Housing – and bring our community together.

Your continued belief in our work means that even more New Yorkers can benefit from Nazareth Housing’s services. Each gift, no matter how big or small, allows us to address the crises that arise in peoples’ lives – and help them through the peaks and valleys of financial pressure. Give the gift of stability and change a life.