Ways to Give

Your Gift Will Change a Life

Since 1983 Nazareth Housing has served low-income families from across New York City. Part of what makes our service model unique is that we can quickly pivot in response to the needs of our community. As we find ourselves on the other side of the immediate crisis of the pandemic, we are now seeing the long-term economic effects of COVID. In addition to rising cost of living, the benefits and services that were enhanced to support those affected by the pandemic have come to an end. 

Every day we work to improve life outcomes for families at risk of homelessness so they can remain housed, excel in school, and stay employed.

Your continued belief in our work means that even more low-income New Yorkers can benefit from Nazareth Housing’s services. Your 100% tax deductible donation helps us continue the work we do, ensuring that even more low-income New Yorkers can benefit from our services.

Ways to Give

Donate Online
Click here to make a gift to our General Fund Project or to Louise’s Pantry.

By Mail
Please make checks payable to Nazareth Housing, Inc. and mail to:
Nazareth Housing, Inc.
Attn: Development
519 East 11th Street
New York, NY 10009

Stocks & Securities, Electronic Fund Transfers, and Automated Clearing House
To make a gift of publicly traded stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares, or to give through Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) or Automated Clearing House (ACH), please contact our Development Office at development@nazarethhousingnyc.org.

Matching Gifts
Many companies offer a matching gift program, which means your generous donation to Nazareth Housing could be doubled! This means we can deliver twice the services, help twice the number of families, and end homelessness twice as fast. Click here to see a complete list of corporations that participate in the matching charitable gift program.

Donor Advised Fund
You can make a gift by recommending a grant through your Donor Advised Fund account. Nazareth Housing, Inc.’s EIN is 13-3176952.