Preserving Communities
Supportive housing is a long term solution to housing instability. We combine affordable housing and dedicated case management services to help formerly homeless, disabled, or mentally ill individuals live in dignity and thrive in their communities.
Supportive housing residents live in their own clean and safe apartments among neighbors they know in neighborhoods they love. Surrounded by the support of Nazareth Housing staff, friendly neighbors, and a community that they are invested in, families lay down roots and thrive.
To qualify for supportive housing, a resident must earn less than 50% of the Area Median Income (approximately $46,950 for a family of three). Each tenant in a supportive housing unit holds a lease and pays approximately 30% of their income in rent.
Supportive housing includes:
- Long-term affordable housing
- One-on-one case management
- Benefits screening
- Educational programming
- Financial coaching
- Community support
For questions or more information, please contact us at (212)-982-7800 or